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Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2024 Pages 1-61

Home / Materials Science / Multidisciplinary Materials Chronicles

This issue contains

Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2024 Pages 1-61

Dr. Moustafa Darwish Editor-in-Chief of Multidisciplinary Materials Chronicles: it is with great pride that I present the first issue of our journal. This inaugural edition represents the culmination of extensive research across a diverse array of materials science disciplines, reflecting our commitment to advancing knowledge in this field. Our featured articles demonstrate the innovative approaches being taken to solve complex problems, from enhancing the mechanical properties of aluminum alloys through friction stir processing to exploring the use of natural extracts like Silybum marianum as eco-friendly corrosion inhibitors. Each study included in this issue exemplifies the rigorous scientific inquiry and interdisciplinary collaboration that Multidisciplinary Materials Chronicles seeks to promote. I am confident that the findings published here will contribute significantly to the ongoing dialogue in materials science, and I look forward to seeing the impact they will have on both academic research and practical applications.

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