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Science Park Publisher is a multidisciplinary research area of science, technology, medical, providing open-access publishing with free charges to avoid the restrictions of others. Science park publisher is guided by the policies that are carried out by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. Therefore, the authors should carefully and accurately introduce their results, content, and conclusion to help other researchers and develop ideas for advanced science and technology.  


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All persons who contributed to the scientific research should be listed as authors and mention their affiliation, if there are other individual contributors, you could mention them in the acknowledgment and write their roles and responsibilities to complete the article. Crediting the significant author who worked in the research is one of the most important processes of writing the article and reflects the honesty and transparency of coworkers in data analysis, editing, experimental work, designing, interpretation, comparative study, and other relative areas. They are responsible of reviewing and editing the final version before submission and answering any major or minor comments with solutions after the review stage until the proof stage.

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Authors should revise the order of names and accept the list, also if the corresponding author asked the editorial board to add or remove any author or rearrangement in the author list the coauthor should send permission and agreement letter of all changes before acceptance.   Moreover, the person who is being added or removed should send an agreement of changes to the submitted article. 


All persons who contributed to the scientific research should be listed as authors and mention their affiliation, if there are other individual contributors, you could mention them in the acknowledgment and write their roles and responsibilities to complete the article. Crediting the significant author who worked in the research is one of the most important processes of writing the article and reflects the honesty and transparency of coworkers in data analysis, editing, experimental work, designing, interpretation, comparative study, and other relative areas. They are responsible of reviewing and editing the final version before submission and answering any major or minor comments with solutions after the review stage until the proof stage.

The corresponding author is the only one of the authors who is responsible to submit the manuscript files to Science Park Publisher, so editors of Science Park Publisher are accountable for contacting authors and sending Emails to them. The corresponding author should ensure that the accepted article has been approved by all co-authors. 

Authors should revise the order of names and accept the list, also if the corresponding author asked the editorial board to add or remove any author or rearrangement in the author list the coauthor should send permission and agreement letter of all changes before acceptance. Moreover, the person who is being added or removed should send an agreement of changes to the submitted article.


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Science Park Publisher journals provide you with the ability to publish your research with high quality, so the submission process of the submitted research will be passed by several steps of the review process. If our journals discovered that the research has been published in other journals, the submission process will be canceled. If the scope of the research is not related to the scope of the selected journal, the editorial board will reject it and ask you to transfer it to another suitable journal. Science Park Publisher is responsible for selecting a professional editorial board and expert in related fields of international journals. They should be a professor title or higher would be preferable. All editorial members must be from different nationalities and publish a lot of papers and have a high H-index that will be given priority.  Editors should treat all authors with transparency and no conflict of interest. Ensure the confidentiality and impartiality of each author.  Editor in chief of the journal is responsible for the final decision of acceptance or rejection of the manuscript based on the report of the reviewers.  The editors and reviewers treat the submitted articles as confidential files through the reviewing process. 

The manuscript will be reviewed by three reviewers or more as suggested by the editorial board. Moreover, Editors have the right to invite new additional reviewers if the manuscript needs that and Editors will inform the authors of the further review decision.

The reviewers should hold a Ph.D. or MD in medical journals. Expert in the submission field and have publications proved from Scopus and ORCID. They must have no conflict of interest with any author and should not have published with an author in the last two years. Reviewers who accept to review must provide quality reports with ethics standards and professionalism.

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