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Qualification & Requirement

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Qualification & Requirement

Science Park publisher follows up on some rules for editorial board selection. The Editorial Board, or (Editorial) Advisory Board, is a team of experts in the journal's field. 

The Editorial Board consists of 

  • Editor-in-Chief/Honor Editor -in Chief
  • Associate or Executive editors 
  • Editorial Members
  • Manuscript editor 
  • Web Editor 

1. Editor-in-Chief/Honor Editor -in Chief

Editor-In-Chief plays a major role, holding the responsibility of collaboration with the publisher of the Journal operations and policies. The Editor-in-Chief is held accountable for the efficient management of the Journal.

Criteria for Editor-in-Chief
  • Experience with broad knowledge in the area covered by the suggested journal
  • Extensive networks and high standing in the research community
  • Strong publication record
  • Deep understanding of peer review
  • Excellent organizational skills and ability to meet deadline.
  • Demonstrated vision and the ability to think and act strategically toward the vision.
  • Highly motivated and committed
  • Time to undertake the role effectively
  • A known expert in areas covered by the suggested journal
  • Compelling vision, creativity, leadership ability and communication skills
  • Previous experience with international journals
  • Compelling vision, creativity, leadership ability and communication skills
Roles and Responsibilities

The Editor-In-Chief will raise the reputation and profile of the Journal with respect to its competitors in the international marketplace by fulfilling the following responsibilities.

  • Ensures accuracy, fairness, and completeness of the journal content.
  • Ensures that the corrections and clarification policies of the journal are carried out and are presented promptly.
  • Reviews feedback/evaluations of articles and other content and takes steps and hold the articles that are not ready for publication.
  • Works closely with sub-Editors in determining the Journal features.
  • Works with Managing Editor and other Editors to develop web components.
  • Has final authority in the publication matters.
  • Form an international editorial board.
  • Commission high-quality articles.
  • Introduce the journal to a wider audience.
  • Make editorial policy to bring the journal to a new and higher level.
  • Make final decision on article publication.
Pausing your Editorship
Science Park publisher understands that other commitments may impact on your ability to perform your duties. It is therefore possible to pause your participation as an Editor-In-Chief. If you would like us to temporarily refrain from contacting you with Journal-related requests, just let us know beforehand, so that we can work and arrange for an alternative to avoid disturbance in smooth functioning of the Journal.
As this role is very crucial for effective running of the Journal, the Editor-In-Chief is expected to be available as needed.

2. Editorial Board members' selection

The members of the Editorial Board of the journal affect its quality, consequently editorial board members should consider the following:

  • The editorial members should be from different nationalities
  • The location of Board members should represent the reach of the journal
  • Board members' expertise should represent the journal's scope
  • Representatives should be appointed from key research institutes
  • Existing Board members may have suggestions for new members
Criteria for Editorial Board Members
  • Have the necessary expertise to judge the scientific quality of the manuscript
  • Provide quality review reports and remain responsive throughout the peer review process
  • Maintain standards of professionalism and ethics
  • Hold a Ph.D. or be MD (applicable for medical journals)
  • Have relevant experience and have a proven publication record in the field of the submitted paper (Scopus, ORCID)
  • Are experienced scholars in the field of the submitted paper
  • Hold an official and recognized academic or industrial affiliation
  • Possess at least 4-year research or working experience in the related area of the journal
  • Professor title or above will be given priority

Would-be editors must be able to show they are familiar with and can discuss the key advances in any area they hope to cover.

They must also be comfortable with discussing and rapidly coming to grips with subjects they have not worked on and are less familiar with. 

An eye for detail is important and, for review editors in particular, excellent written English and the ability to write about science clearly and concisely are required. All of these are skills candidates must demonstrate in formal tests that are set before and/or during the interviews for new positions.

The ability to build and maintain strong personal relationships with scientists is essential for any editor and this requires diplomacy, effective negotiation and problem-solving skills, and an ability to stand firm on decisions when required.

Editor Roles and Responsibilities

Editors of scientific journals have responsibilities toward the authors who provide the content of the journals, the peer reviewers who comment on the suitability of manuscripts for publication, the journal’s readers and the scientific community, the owners/publishers of the journals, and the public as a whole. Depending upon the relationship between the editor and publisher for particular journals, some of the roles and responsibilities between the two may overlap in some of the following:

  • Providing guidelines to authors for preparing and submitting manuscripts
  • Providing a clear statement of the Journal’s policies on authorship criteria
  • Treating all authors with fairness, courtesy, objectivity, honesty, and transparency
  • Establishing and defining policies on conflicts of interest for all involved in the publication process, including editors, staff (e.g., editorial and sales), authors, and reviewers
  • Protecting the confidentiality of every author’s work
  • Establishing a system for effective and rapid peer review 
  • Making editorial decisions with reasonable speed and communicating them in a clear and constructive manner
  • Establishing clear guidelines for authors regarding acceptable practices for sharing experimental materials and information, particularly those required to replicate the research, before and after publication
  • Establishing a procedure for reconsidering editorial decisions
  • Describing, implementing, and regularly reviewing policies for handling ethical issues and allegations or findings of misconduct by authors and anyone involved in the peer review process.
  • Informing authors of solicited manuscripts that the submission will be evaluated according to the journal’s standard procedures or outlining the decision-making process if it differs from those procedures
  • Developing mechanisms, in cooperation with the publisher, to ensure timely publication of accepted manuscripts.
  • Clearly communicating all other editorial policies and standards
  • Editors and the publication staff should keep all information about a submitted manuscript confidential, sharing it only with those involved in the evaluation, review, and publication processes.
  • Editors should consider adding a confidentiality notice to all correspondence, including reviewer forms, to remind authors, editors, and reviewers.
Editor Responsibilities toward Publishers
  • Conducting peer review of submitted manuscripts
  • Complying with the guidelines and procedures of the owner organization, including any terms specified in the contract with that organization
  • Making recommendations about improved evaluation and dissemination of scientific material
  • Adhering to the publisher’s fiscal policies towards the Journal, at least in so much as they do not encroach upon editorial independence
  • Adhering to the agreed-upon mission, publication practices, and schedule
The Editor will seek opportunities to promote the journal
  • The Editor will seek to speak at conferences and other events about the purpose and values of the journal, inviting potential contributors to consider submitting papers to the Editor will identify indexes in which the journal should be included and pass that information on to Human Kinetics
  • The Editor will help the publisher promote the journal by identifying places, events, and individuals to whom promotional material should be sent
The Editor will provide the publisher with appropriate information about the editorial activities of the journal
  • The Editor will prepare an annual report according to an agreed upon schedule
  • The Editor will report opportunities about which the publisher should know to help improve the journal
  • The Editor will report any significant problems that might affect the quality or timely release of the journal

Editorial Board members

  • Review submitted manuscripts
  • Advise on journal policy and scope
  • Identify topics for special issues, which they may guest edit
  • Attract new authors and submissions
  • Promote the journal to their colleagues and peers
  • Assist the editor(s) in decision-making over issues such as plagiarism claims and submissions where reviewers can’t agree on a decision
The selection process for editors varies and the process outlined has some similarities with the typical selection process

1. Submit your information: The publication or organization advertises the open position, and candidates submit their information, including a CV, cover letter, and other required materials.

2. Application review: The publication or organization reviews the applications received. 

3. Check some information with applicants: The publication or organization contacts the candidates to verify some of the information provided in their application, such as their degrees, publications, or work experience.

4. Editor-in-Chief will select and qualify the candidates: Academic Editor-in-Chief reviews the applications and select a pool of qualified candidates to move forward in the process.

5. Editorial Office team will finalize check and decision: Editorial Office team assess the candidates based on their skills, communication abilities, and fit with the publication's journal.

 6. Candidate accepts the offer: The candidate may accept the offer, usually by signing a contract that outlines the terms of their employment, such as the start date, compensation, and expectations.

 7. Formal onboarding process: After the candidate accepts the offer, they may go through a formal onboarding process, which may include training on the publication's style, guidelines, and policies, as well as an introduction to the team and the publication's goals and mission.

Reviewer Board Criteria

The Reviewer Board comprises seasoned researchers who are tasked with providing high-quality, rigorous, and transparent review reports for submitted manuscripts within their area of expertise. Their primary responsibility is to support journals regularly and actively by offering their valuable expertise in evaluating the scientific merit of the research presented in the manuscripts.

Scientific Publications is seeking Academic Reviewer who meet the following qualifications:
  • Strong publication record of 5 or more peer-reviewed articles
  • A Ph.D. degree is required for potential reviewers
  • The applicant must have a total number of citations exceeding 10
  • Senior or corresponding authorship publications
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